Thursday, March 22, 2007

16 weeks and one day, and there is no COFFEE made yet so I cannot be Creative and live up to the high standards of writing you have all come to expec

t in the Nebiverse... although apparently my excessive Titling abilities are not suffering...

On the scale this morning I weighed 145.0 lbs. Thus I have gained 4. Have not worn maternity clothes yet.

I should have taken off my sweater so you could see my Bump. I now have Bump. Galois is supposed to go through a big growth spurt in the next three weeks, so Bump is likely to have a growth spurt, too. Let's watch for it, shall we?

"Mise en place"* in studying for my Statistics test turned into something more like "we're out of time so let's start melting the butter now and try to wash enough dishes so we can defrost the chicken and cut up the vegetables while it's melting, while hoping nothing finishes at the wrong time or burns."** The test was Wicked Hard- I think I may have done worse on this one than the first one (and this was supposed to be a make-up exam for the first one because the whole class did so "badly")- but everyone in the class, even the Smart Cool Asian Kids (which is most of the class) thought it was Really Hard, so I'm not too concerned. Algebra was better. Jesus made the algebra test Okay. :-)

On today's adgenda:
*Drink coffee!
*Write a resume! Apply for jobs for this summer! Yeah!
*Grade Quiz 7!
*Study! Mathematics!

The exclamation points add dramatic tension to my already unbearably exciting life, don't they?

Love you all,

*This is Nate's actual method of cooking in our kitchen, at least sometimes.
**This is usually my method of cooking.


Anonymous said...

Yay! You're done!!!
Sugar Beet :)

Anonymous said...

My mise en place is generally about as organized as everything else in my life, therefere one could argue that I never actually have such.