Tuesday, May 02, 2006

7 days left (Just Hand Over the Chocolate, and No One Gets Hurt)*

The days are simply not passing fast enough. Also, I cannot find any chocolate in this household. Wait, I'm going to go look again... maybe, just maybe...

Ha ha! I had forgotten about the good-old standby option, chocolate chips in a bag. :-D

Well, I've turned in 4 2/3 of the ten problems in the last combinatorics homework set, which is actually a bit better than I thought I might be doing at this point. The good/bad news, however, is that Professor Cowboy is releasing solutions tomorrow, meaning (I assume) that tomorrow is the absolute deadline to turn anything in. So I'm kind of half-heartedly trying to get a couple more done tonight.

Note to the mathematical community: can you please make up your minds, once and for all, about the meanings of "monotone," "increasing," and "decreasing"? Better yet, dump these terms altogether: Strictly (or weakly) increasing (or decreasing) is unambiguous and would avoid all confusions.

Thankfully my weird dizzy spells from yesterday went away- I took a vitamin and ate an orange, which perhaps helped- so I am feeling better. Better enough to go try one last time, I suppose, to solve some Combinatorics problems.

*Winner, 2006 BlogHer Awards, "Most unoriginal and uninspiring blog post"


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm. Chocolate chips in a bag.

Anonymous said...

What's happened to the Countdown? I was just sitting down in front of the fan with a strawberry daquiri in honor of this weekly decreasing series and now it turns out to be non-continuous.

Neb said...

Ha!! Weekly decreasing. Well done.

Unfortunately, since the countdown was a discrete system [although not always very discreet], you can't complain that it's no longer continuous. To have continuous blogging I'd have to do nothing but sit at this computer and blog 24/7, but even then the posts would only be published in discrete time intervals, not continuously. And, it's "discontinuous," not "non-continuous." Try to get it right!!
