Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Today's Top Ten

1) I think my child is getting Teeth!
2) This means we will have to have a Talk about Proper Nursing Techniques with Teeth.
3) This talk will be completely one-sided! Because 4-month-olds do not speak or understand English!
4) I take that back; they seem to understand approximately as much English as a dog (ie tone of voice, a few key words)
5) It is Snowing! This makes me Happy. :-)
6) I had two homemade chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. With milk! Now time for Coffee.
7) Today I am planning to make a Wish List for Madelaine for Christmas!
8) I have still not done Laundry! Today's Laundry Alert Level is Red!
9) If I do not get a haircut soon, I will officially have a Mullet. This makes me Concerned!
10) I have used way too many exclamation points in this post. But It's My Blog, and I Can Exclaim If I Want To!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll have as much a mullet as I have corn rows and dreadlocks. Compared to your current hair and where it's going, mullets are shorter on the sides and longer in the back. This place has the details.