Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Tuesday (and other disappointingly pedestrian nomenclatures of paradigmactically vivisectioned Prose)

Thought One

I exercised today. I lifted weights, did sit-ups, and walked [fast] for about 50 minutes. It's so cute because I always have a simply HORRID time talking myself INTO exercising... you know, I have to go down the stairs, and find my locker, and change clothes, bother bother bother... and I always tell myself, just 3o minutes or so... and I feel Tired during most of that time... and then, after around 30 minutes, the endorphins (sp?) start to kick in, and then I can't pull myself OFF the stupid thing. And then I figure, if I've gone through all that trouble to change clothes etc, I might as well make it a good long workout, so just keep going.

And listening to U2 gives me goosebumps. "Where the Streets Have No Name" makes me want to find an in[de]finitely long stretch of road, somewhere in Utah perhaps, and drive about 120 mph with the windows and roof rolled down. It also makes me want to Run, but I don't do that on treadmills indoors with all the Workout boys and girls staring at my jiggling, tye-dyed flesh. I think I have Walter Mitty visions while exercising. Must be some pretty powerful Endorphins.

So the treadmill said I walked 3.14 miles (some of it was on an incline! hoorah! but that made my ankles hurt.) Did I walk in a Circle?

Thought Two

The power hasn't gone off since last Wednesday. For which I am Very Thankful. Praise and Worship. Let's leave it at that.

Thought Two and a Half

This week I can register for classes at Lehigh. Tomorrow I will go and talk to Dr. Davis at 8:30. [Brb. It's time for my 10 pm cup of coffee, which I will Drink despite [or because of?] the fact that it will completely prevent Sleep.] I am planning to take:

Math 301, Principles of Real Analysis
Math 309, Theory of Probability
Math 327, Groups and Rings

I was going to take 450, Topics in Graph Theory, instead of 327, but Dr. Davis informed me in a grammatically substandard email that Graph Theory is an Advanced Class that I would not be prepared for if I hadn't already had a lot of graph theory. Which, arguably, I HAVE [had a lot of graph theory], but I've been somewhat persuaded by his argument that I should go ahead with the algebra anyway.

Now, the trick will be: persuading Dr. Davis that I really DO need undergraduate R Anal, whether or NOT they've awarded me their little la-dee-dah fellowship. How do I say, tactfully but bluntly, I really don't know Squat past Calculus and Diff Eq? Perhaps they'll figure that out on their own in the fall, when I get there and open my mouth. Also, I need to find out which classes are offered every other year, and find a way to take the classes I want even though I'm only planning to stay two years but they think I'll be there much longer.


Thought Five

I tutored a new kid today, and completely forgot to ask her to pay me. Oh well, maybe next time.

Phonathon found us for the first time, ever! tonight. A little girl named Laura Dunn. So I was all hyper-friendly and encouraging, and told her about 7 times, "go ahead and read your Script, honey, I worked phonathon too, so I know how hard it is..." And I warned her towards the end, Beware the old ladies! They'll talk your ear off.

Then I realized- I've already become one of them.