Friday, April 28, 2006

11 Days left

in the semester, and I will be glad to be done. I'm mainly writing this to appease all you loyal readers out there after my recent Long Hiatus, not because any inspirational genius has struck. Right now I'm in the phase of Mathematical Hysteria™ when one closes one's eyes and dreams of all the fantastical adventures that happen in The Complex Plane, the midnight dances of fauns and centaurs and tree sprites... oh wait, I've mixed up The Complex Plane with Narnia once again. Well, I can't take all of you on the trip with me, but I'll show you my vacation pictures:

And, a couple of jokes, which, if you've taken complex analysis you've likely heard a thousand times and will be bored with, and if you haven't taken complex analysis you won't find funny at all:

"Why did the mathematician name his dog Cauchy?"
"He left a residue at every pole!"

"Why is 1/z like the Catholic church?"
"They both have a simple pole in the center!"

Come fly with me around the Riemann sphere! I can almost see the point at infinity ahead. And God will reveal to us His wonders...



Anonymous said...

The 1/z joke no longer works because the pope is no longer polish.

Anonymous said...

You can also compute the contour integral around western Europe. It's zero, since all the Poles are in eastern Europe.