Monday, October 02, 2006

And to all a good night...

First off, thanks for all the comment-lovin' and a special HELLO!! to my camp friends Laura and Kaitlyn-- so glad to hear from you! Alysia, too! :-)

The disappointing news is: I am putting this blog to bed until December because I DO NOT HAVE ANY TIME WHATSOEVER RIGHT NOW to write, no matter how much I'd like to. I am taking REAL ANALYSIS so all day long I fight with infintesimally small numbers that mock me and escape from underneath my pen. THE NEBIVERSE IS IN A CHRONIC AND UNRELENTING STATE OF CHAOS. Stay tuned and see if I'm still in school by December. ;-) Seriously, it's pretty bad, but with God's help I will survive!!

[mild fit of maniacal laughter]

;-) See you at Christmas, Love,


Anonymous said...

In the meantime, here are just some of the websites that your readers can use for endless hours of entertainment....

Drudge Report
Dare you to find what you need
The National Barking Spider Resurgence Party
Some Guy Named Bill
Some Other Guy Named Bill
A Sock Blog
Capitalist potpourri
USNO Data Page
Learn LISP
Take a hike

Anonymous said...

Nate, are you a Whiteblaze member? I'm on there all the time.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I am. I've been reading the board for over a year, mostly because we live within an hour's drive of many AT access points (all of PA sections 1 through 6). Happiness would be hiking the whole trail, if I had the time and money.

I registered recently (July? August?) in case I would have news or anything to share but I've never posted. On the single thread that I found with one of your posts I did avoid the urge to say "Hey, you sound like my crazy sister in law!"

Anonymous said...

So when are your finals done?
