Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy New Year, devoted fans and colleagues!

Did you know that there are folks in this world who check the Nebiverse EVERY SINGLE DAY for updates?? That means there are patient readers out there who have been clicking EVERY DAY for the past 3 1/2 weeks or so, hoping, wondering... nay, PRAYING: did she WRITE?? has she written anything for us today??

Every day, I have let those poor people down, my friends.

What's the problem? There are numerous problems. 1) I'm lazy. 2) It's easier to read other people's blogs and kill time on Facebook than it is to actually write something here. 3) I have Standards. Sometimes. Kind of. Like, a lot of times I think "I'm not going to write because I don't have anything really GOOD to write about." [As my sister-in-law pointed out, "the child has pooped many times since that last entry!" But you know, it's only funny once.] I hate getting on here and writing drivel (like the post you're reading at the moment.) 4) Did you know sometimes it takes me like 3 hours to write a post? Yeah. I have a five-month-old, people, a five-month-old who needs to be Constantly Entertained while awake.


Ah ha ha ha ha!!

My baby!! Is adorable, no? With the chubby kissable cheeks! Above are only a handful of the millions(?) of Adorable Pictures we have taken in the last couple of months. [Another reason I don't blog: it's too hard to pick out pictures of the child! There are so many!] [Nate would tell you that a lot of the pictures Aren't That Great. But they are pictures of The Beautiful Child! How can they be bad?]

Also? I'm reading books and working on this quilt for my sister:

Now that I have Appeased you with a shallow photographic sketch of my life, I'm off to eat chocolate ice cream and watch It's A Wonderful Life with Adrienne.



Anonymous said...

A post!! By all that's chocolatey, a post!! (And there was much rejoicing.)

Ahem. I deny with dignity the allegation that I am one of the aforementioned people who checks here every day.

...well not every SINGLE day.

... I *know* there was a day when I didn't check. Like when I went to Mexico in 2006 and didn't have internet for a week. Ha, there you go.

The quilt is looking lovely. :-) I'm still working on a Fitting Place to Display It where it won't get clawed by little kitten claws.


judy said...

YES! A post. I've been checking almost every day and apparently gave up on Jan 12th. So, did you mention in your post that you designed said quilt? aybe not the design but the colors? I think I remember graph paper.... It's looking beautiful. Also, my friend Elaine who you met at the funeral? She reads your blog (like when you post)and she teaches quilting. How about that?

So, satisfied at seeing pics I shall go do whatever it is I do, remembering that I haven't blogged in months I'll bet. Sigh...

Love, Judy