Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Randomata for your reading pleasure

The container of blueberry yogurt I ate this morning expired April 7th. Does anyone think that's a problem?

The street in front of our apartment is in the [apparently multi-day] process of being repaved. This event appeals strongly to my husband's inner 4-year-old, as he was up at eight this morning (just for a quick bathroom trip, not permanently, mind you), saying, "Honey, did you see the paver?!?" Apparently this is a near-street-sweeper-like phenomenon. (And I bet that just might be the first time in human history that someone used the phrase "near-street-sweeper-like.")

Today I need to upload the children's HW and quiz grades, and finish grading the other half of the final exam papers. I am also taking Sylvia for a transmission fluid check (we think she's been Leaking...?) which means a trip to the next-door mall for some maternity clothes shopping. In the past couple of weeks the percentage of my closet that I can comfortably and reasonably wear has dropped off sharply, and since I'm used to having a huge selection and not doing laundry very often, it's hard to adjust. I'm trying to not go overboard, but realistically, I think at least one pair of jeans and a skirt and a few more shirts would be in order.

Oh yeah, Saturday morning at 5:55 am, 3 paramedics with a bunch of equipment knocked on our door. I told them, "It wasn't us...!" They somehow didn't know which apartment needed them.

And last Friday morning, Nate's grandmother died. This was the Good Grandmother, the one he got along with, so it was sad, but not unexpected. Saturday morning we went down to Reading to help his parents do some things, including go through things in her apartment. To me the weird thing about that process is not deciding what to do with all the old letters and photos and furniture, but seeing the half-used containers of toothpaste and dish soap and mayonaise sill lying around. There were dirty dishes in the sink and laundry hanging up to dry.

We'll miss you, Nana.


Anonymous said...

As of 6:30pm on 8 May 2007, you are still the only one.

Neb said...

Oh, that's just scary! I can be googled!!