Thursday, May 03, 2007

22 Weeks- Gratuitous celebrity pictures edition

(EDITED to add- I forgot to tell you all- I weighed 146.8 this morning.)

Well, this week's pictures didn't turn out so great- I just look Weird in them. (And the shirt I'm wearing looks Weird.) So no pictures for you!

To compensate, I was going to post pictures of a pregnant Audrey Hepburn, but, alas! Apparently Audrey was not photographed while pregnant! Or at least, the internets don't know where the pictures are. If any of you have Mad Wicked Search Skillz and can find pictures of Audrey Hepburn visibly pregnant, let me know and I'll send you a dollar*!

Here are some non-pregnant picutres of Aurdrey for your amusement and edification. Above, Audrey is pretending to eat a Bakery Product, no doubt in mockery of the Irony of Modern Life (clearly, the woman never consumed anything like a Carbohydrate. Or a Protein, for that matter.)

Here, Audrey is still looking uber-cool in that classic black dress, no doubt about to feed her cat after a night out of hard partying.
Here, Audrey reminds us all: Bangs, and Champagne, can be Cool.

Okay, I've got to get to school so I can help the Children do double integrals, then proctor their exam 12-3. Should be lots of fun.

More later, love,

*You all know I am way to lazy to actually mail anyone a dollar, right? This is a fake offer.

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