Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Memorial Day Weekend 2005: The Light Side

IS the "Light Side" the opposite of the Dark Side? Come to think of it, I'm not sure the movies ever mention it, do they...? What else could it be, though- the Bright Side? Then again, the opposite of the Light Side could be the Heavy Side!! Who knows. Anyway, without further ado,

This Weekend's Quotables:

(Background: my dad writes fantasy stories on Narnia web. Rather obsessively.)

Daddy: "Now just to let you know. Catherine can teleport herself."
Chris: "The world is my Steak."
Daddy: "Oh yeah, there are two other characters I forgot to mention. Eric and Abby."

Neb: "What do they do?" [thinking, insurance agents? real estate?]

Daddy: "They're gargoyles."
Nate: "I looked at this [Popeye's box?] and thought it said 'Fries, Dope, Love'. And the greatest of these is Love."
(Background: after hour upon hour of Home & Garden TV, I was inspired to help Margaret finish her Rivendell-themed Bedroom):

Neb: "Okay, Daddy, we're going to go 'visualize the space' now. With your credit card."

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